Monday, August 2, 2010

Today's the first day of many more to come

This is my first attempt at a blog and it should be interesting to see where it goes. I'm not sure where this will lead, but you never know and I have hopes. To start off I'm 29, I'm married to a wonderful man, I've got 2 children, I work as a transcriptionist from home, and I'm an avid couponer. I love finding deals and freebies. I use coupons to score a lot of free or cheap items and this has tremendously helped my family save money and actually get stuff that we normally wouldn't have been able to get on a regular basis. It's exhillerating hunting down deals and it truly is fun for me. I love to share what I've learned with my family and friends, even if they don't always take my advice.

I also love crafting, sewing, reading, cooking, movies, and music. Music is something that I've always loved but movies are something that me and my husband learned that we had in common. We have a huge movie collection and it's truly awesome that we get to share this passion with one another.

This weekend we are going to a Zhu-niverse Dance Party at the Baltimore Zoo and I'm so excited. The kids get to get up on stage and dance the Flo Dance and I just know it will be so much fun. The kids are excited and now we're just waiting on finalizing our plans. I'll post pics when I get them.

That's it for now. Until I figure where I'm going to take this I'll just pretty much write whatever comes to my mind.

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